For a child, a bedroom is more than just a place to sleep. It is a place to do schoolwork, listen to music, play games, sprawl on the floor, rough-house, read, build models, daydream, visit with friends and keep innumerable possessions. You’ll need to plan carefully to create a room that serves all those functions, is comfortable and inviting — and has enough staying power to require only minimal redecorating every few years. The ultimate experts on what kids like best are kids themselves. Make kids feel involved in the design process by letting them help with selections for the room. Include the children’s interests and ask for their opinions as you create a decorating scheme. But don’t go overboard: Children’s interests change often, so use accessories that can be easily replaced when interest wanes. What you want is a room that both meets your needs and pleases your child. The furniture and accessories should be appropriate for your child’s age, but they should also be adaptable, not trendy. Pick baby and children’s furniture that can grow with your child — and any siblings who might be sharing a bunk bed. Also, plan to provide space for the many activities that may take place in a child’s room. This includes space for visiting friends and sleep-overs, a place for play (remember to have room for a train set or dollhouse), and a spot with a desk and good light for doing homework. Children should have a sense of control over their environment. They should be able to hang up clothes, reach toys and books, and sit in chairs that suit their size. An added benefit: They’ll learn early that they can do things for themselves.
When designing a child’s room, incorporate a favorite color into the room somewhere. Color, especially on the walls, is easy to change. To personalize a child’s room, consider adding a mural or chalkboard wall. If you can, draw wall art freehand; if you’re not artistic, look for stencils or stick-on wall decor. You can also find letters that will let you embellish a wall with sayings that are special to your child. The younger the child, the more durable and easy it should be to clean the room materials. For any child, a safe environment is critical. Review the literature on all surfaces and products, and get up to date on product recalls before you make major purchases.
You may have space for a traditional rec room, where both adults and children can gather. If so, divide the space into zones, with an area for more active play and an area for quieter activities. In the former, you might have a television and computer, a pool table, even a place to play musical instruments. The latter might consist of a couple of comfortable chairs and a reading lamp. Add tables and chairs that can be used for drawing and painting, scrapbooking, or game night. Provide small children with low, washable tables for projects and create cubbies for easy toy storage. If you’re going to be in the room often and it’s far from the kitchen, consider installing a small refrigerator and a microwave for quick snacks. Make sure the seating is comfortable and plentiful and that the surface finishes can take hard wear and tear.
Find kids design ideas here.